CONTENTS № 2’ 2020


I. V. Gladysheva, E. N. Vetrova
Condition, problems and trends of the technological development of Russia


E. O. Butova
Economic aspects of the interaction between science, education and business in Russia

Yu. A. Morozova
Digital transformation of Russian healthcare as a factor in the development of the industry

A. V. Polenov
Competitive policy as a factor in ensuring the competitiveness of the socio-economic system of the region

K. Yu. Proskurnova
Problems of continuity of institutions of regional governance


V. A. Goncharova
Human health and its ontological foundations

A. R. Efimov
Post-Turing Methodology: Wall Destruction on the Way to General Artificial Intelligence

O. V. Kuznetsov, M. A. Pletneva
The subject aspect of the idea of alternativeness

G. T. Kulzhanova
Socio-philosophical aspect of the concept «human capital »

A. A. Osmushina
Socio-philosophical substantiation of the theory of justice in the Holy Scriptures and teachings of the Church Fathers, M. Luther, J. Calvin


N. A. Zemlyanushnov, N. Yu. Zemlyanushnova
Improvement of the method of automobile springs recovering

O. N. Larin
Features of the terminology for transportation involving several modes of transport

Zh. T. Pirov, A. Yu. Mikhailov
Influence of the distribution of traffic flows on the speed of communication on segments of city streets with controlled traffic

O. Yu. Smirnova
Issues of cargo identification during transportation by road

L. N. Tretyak, A. S. Volnov
Environmental safety assessment of motor transport flows by concentrations of dispersed particles with account of their granulometric composition (on the example of Orenburg)