Publication ethics

Requirements for compliance with publication ethics in the production and publication of the scientific journal “Intellect. Innovations. Investments” concern all participants in the editorial and publishing process. The editorial board of the journal monitors the implementation of ethical requirements, relying on the development of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Elsevier publishing house, the Declaration “Ethical principles of scientific publications” adopted by the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI) and other documents of foreign editorial associations and information systems.

Responsibility of the editorial board:

  1. The editorial board of the journal (hereinafter referred to as the editorial board) is responsible for the content of published materials and acknowledges this responsibility. The editorial team of the journal in its activities is guided by the principles of scientific character, objectivity, professionalism and impartiality.
  2. The editors make honest and objective decisions, ensuring an effective process of double anonymous review of all incoming copyright materials.
  3. The editors, together with the editorial board, evaluate the intellectual content of the manuscripts, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship or political preferences of the authors.
  4. The editorial board together with the editorial board conscientiously works with the texts of articles, preventing the appearance on the pages of the journal of unscrupulous scientific publications containing plagiarism, falsification and fabrication of data, excessive self-citation and friendly citation, irrelevant links.
  5. The editors interact with authors based on the principles of fairness, politeness, objectivity, honesty and transparency.
  6. The editors comply with the principle of confidentiality of editorial and publishing processes. Does not transfer articles sent to the editorial office to third parties, except for reviewers and editorial staff. Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts are not used for personal and commercial purposes, are not transferred to third parties.
  7. The editors resolve conflict situations arising in the course of work, using all the means available in the legal field to resolve them.
  8. The editorial board publishes information about corrections, refutations and reviews of articles in case of such a need.
  9. The editorial board does not publish an article in the journal without agreement of its final version with all authors.
  10. The editorial board guarantees access to publications, ensuring their storage on the journal's website (, in the country's leading libraries and repositories of scientific information.
  11. The editorial board does not publish materials of correspondence scientific conferences.
  12. The editors strive to interact with scientific and professional associations in order to ensure the high quality of the work of scientists.
  13. The editors are constantly improving the processes of reviewing, editing and evaluating publications by experts.

Responsibility of the reviewers of the journal:

  1. The reviewer is guided by the principles of scientific character, objectivity, professionalism and impartiality.
  2. The reviewer gives a reasoned assessment of the results of the research conducted by the author (s). The review uses only correct expressions and explanations in relation to the article.
  3. The reviewer should identify significant published works that correspond to the topic of the article and are not included in the bibliographic list for the manuscript. The presence of such facts must be reflected in the review of the article. The reviewer should also draw the attention of the editors to the detection of significant similarities or coincidences between the manuscript in question and any other published work that is in the field of his scientific competence.
  4. The reviewer considers the manuscript received for review as a confidential document, namely does not transfer it for review and discussion to third parties, does not use unpublished data for personal and commercial purposes.
  5. The reviewer who, in his opinion, does not have sufficient qualifications for the examination of the submitted article or does not have sufficient time for high-quality work, must inform the editor-in-chief of the journal or the executive secretary of the editorial board about this with a request to exclude him from the review process of this manuscript.
  6. The reviewer warns the editors about the presence of a conflict of interest (if any) before starting to work with the article.

Responsibility of the author of a scientific publication:

  1. The author understands that he bears the initial responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research. Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.
  2. The author guarantees that the research results presented in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be made with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unofficial quotations, paraphrasing or appropriation of rights to the results of other people's research, is unethical and unacceptable.
  3. The author submits for consideration only a previously unpublished article and guarantees that the article is not under consideration in other scientific journals and will not be sent for publication in other scientific publications.
  4. The author correctly cites his previous works and avoids self-plagiarism in the manuscript and artificial increase in the volume of publication. If the article is based on previously published materials of a non-article nature or presented on the Internet, the author should notify the editors of the journal about this.
  5. The co-authors of the article should be persons who have made a significant contribution to the research. Among the co-authors it is inadmissible to indicate persons who did not participate in the study.
  6. All co-authors agree to submit an article to the journal.
  7. The author notifies the editorial office of a potential conflict of interest.
  8. The author should indicate in the manuscript the sources of financial support for the project (research), the results of which are presented in the article.
  9. The contact author notifies his co-authors of all changes and proposals from the editorial office of the journal and does not make decisions on the article alone, without the consent of all co-authors.
  10. The author is in correct correspondence with the editorial board, responding to comments and remarks, if any. If necessary, the authors correct the data presented in the article.
  11. If the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, he must as soon as possible notify the editorial office of the journal in order to withdraw the publication to correct errors.
  12. The authors submit to the editorial office of the journal an article prepared in strict accordance with the terms of publication of articles in the journal “Intellect. Innovations. Investments”.
  13. The authors of the article must comply with the provisions of the legislation on copyright protection. Copyright materials may only be reproduced with the permission of their respective owners.

Liability of the journal publisher:

  1. The publisher is responsible for compliance with all modern requirements for the printing process of publishing a scientific journal.
  2. The publisher has no influence on the editorial policy of the journal.
  3. The publisher provides legal support to the editorial staff of the journal, if necessary.
  4. The publisher ensures the timely release of the next issues of the journal.
  5. The publisher publishes edits, clarifications and withdraws articles in which violations of scientific ethics or critical errors have been identified.

Regulations on the Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Publications of the Journal

The composition of the committee on the ethics of scientific publications of the journal

Retraction of articles