For authors


  1. General information
  2. Requirements for the content and structure of the article
  3. Technical requirements for the design of the article
  4. Materials submission to the editor
  5. Anti-plagiarism policy
  6. Review procedure
  7. Postal mailing

1. General information

Previously unpublished original scientific articles and scientific reviews in the following journal headings are accepted for publication:


The results of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of regional and sectoral economics, finance, management are published.


The subject of the articles is topical issues in the field of ontology and the theory of knowledge, history of philosophy, aesthetics and ethics, philosophy of science and technology, social and political philosophy, philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion and religious studies.


Original articles are published presenting the results of solving scientific and practical problems in the field of operation of road transport are considered.

If a simultaneous submission of the manuscript to several editions is detected, the article will be retracted (withdrawn from the press).

The number of authors in an article should not exceed 3 people.

An increase in the number of co-authors is allowed in some cases by agreement with the editors, taking into account the genre of the article.

If the team of authors consists of researchers who do not have academic degrees, then the article is accepted if there is a letter of recommendation from a candidate of science or doctor of science who is a specialist in this field.

Articles of Master’s degree students are published only in co-authorship with the research advisor.

An article sent to the editorial office, which satisfies the formatting rules and has all the necessary accompanying documents, is registered, checked for plagiarism and the correctness of borrowings. If the article fulfills the formal requirements of the journal, a double anonymous review of the submitted manuscript is carried out. The term for reviewing the article is approximately 30 days.

Authors are not charged for reviewing materials.

Assigning a DOI to an article — 400 rubles.

Prepress processing of author's materials — 300 rubles per one page of the main author's text, formatted according to the technical rules of the journal (

Free prepress processing of articles is carried out for the following categories of authors:

  • postgraduate students;
  • authors of the "Guest of the volume" column;
  • renowned scientists invited by the editor-in-chief of the journal or the executive secretary of the editorial board;
  • foreign authors;
  • authors of articles written in a foreign language (English and German);
  • scientific and pedagogical workers of Orenburg State University and Lomonosov Moscow State University;
  • reviewers of the journal;
  • members of the editorial board and editorial council of the journal.

Typographic production of 1 printed copy of the journal (at the author's request) — 450 rubles.

Sending 1 printed copy of the journal within Russia (at the author's request) — 230 rubles.

Sending 1 printed copy of the journal to foreign countries (at the author's request) - according to the tariffs of JSC "Russian Post".

Purchase of a printed copy of the journal is carried out from the publisher using the details provided by the editorial board

2. Requirements for the content and structure of the article

The article is formatted according to the sample and includes the following elements:

  • UDC. On the first page of the article, in the upper left corner without indentation, the index according to the universal decimal classification is indicated.
  • Title of the article (in English and Russian). The title of the article should be unambiguous, understandable to specialists in other fields, and reflect the content of the article. The editors ask not to use abbreviations, interrogative and exclamation sentences in the title of the article, as well as not to formulate the title of the article in the form of two sentences.
  • Information about the authors (in English and Russian), including the following information for each author:
    • full name;
    • place of work (name of the organization according to the charter);
    • City, country;
    • contact email address.
  • Abstract (in English and Russian). The abstract is an independent informative text containing a short version of the article. Recommended length of the abstract: 250–300 words. For most readers, it will be the main source of information about the presented study.

    The abstract should reflect the relevance, purpose, approaches, methods and (or) methodological apparatus of the research, main results, scientific novelty, practical significance (if any), directions for further research, recommendations. When presenting the material, it is recommended to adhere to the above structure of the abstract.

    All information contained in the abstract should be disclosed in the main text of the article.

  • Key words (in English and Russian). Key words are a search tool for a scientific article. They should reflect the basic terminology of the research study. Recommended number of key words: 5–10 words.
  • Acknowledgments (in English and Russian). Mention should be made here of the people who helped the author prepare this article, as well as the organizations that provided financial support.
  • The main text of the article. Articles are accepted in Russian and English. The volume of the text of the article without a bibliographic list should be to 20 pages of the author's text, designed in accordance with the technical requirements of the journal.

    The main text of the article is presented in the following sequence:

    Introduction. This section should contain a justification of the necessity and relevance of the research being carried out, a brief description of the scientific problem that requires a solution, the statement of the research goal, consistent with the title of the article, its content and results, as well as other aspects, which, in general, would allow the reader to understand and appreciate the importance and the significance of the study.

    Headings of the structural parts of the article. Here the essence of the problem under study, its connection with the topic of the article, the degree of its development in modern science, the methodological apparatus and (or) the methodological tools of the study are described. It is desirable to have a "Methods" section containing a description of how the study was conducted. All factors that may have influenced the results of the study should be stated.

    Research results (or other title). This section of the article should contain a description of the research results obtained and their interpretation.

    Conclusion. Conclusions based on the results obtained, conclusions about the scientific value and practical significance of the results obtained are given, recommendations are given for further research on the basis of this work. Previously published results should not be included in this section of the article.

    References. The list of literature should contain, as a rule, at least 15-17 scientific sources. The following types of sources can be included in this section:

    • articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals;
    • articles in peer-reviewed proceedings of conferences;
    • books (except for educational and reference literature);
    • monographs;
    • patents.

    It is not recommended to include sources from small-circulation publications (collections of articles, conference proceedings, monographs) that are not available for online review.

    Links to legal acts, reference and statistical materials, information and analytical materials of sites must be made in the form of subscript bibliographic references. References to dissertations and dissertation abstracts are undesirable. It is recommended to refer to original articles and monographs. Dissertations are considered manuscripts and are not printed sources. If references to dissertations and dissertation abstracts are necessary, then it is preferable to make them out also in the form of subscript bibliographic references.

    The list of sources recommends the presence of works published in the last 5 years.

    Direct bibliographic self-citation (the total percentage of authors' works in the general list of sources) should not exceed 20 %.

    References should be listed in alphabetical order.

    For the execution of References, the Harvard system of referencing is used. Execution rules and examples.

    All sources should be referenced in the text of the article in square brackets. For example, [5] or [9, p. 14], i.e. the number of the source in the list of references and the page number in this source are indicated.

  • Affiliation of authors (in English and Russian). For each author, the surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position with the name of the structural unit of the organization, the name of the organization (permanent place of work of the author) are indicated in full according to the charter of the organization, city, country, contact email address, ORCID ID, Researcher ID, Scopus Author ID (if available).
  • Contribution of co-authors (if there is a group of authors).

3. Technical requirements for the design of the article

The material should be typed in a Microsoft Word text editor in * .doс or * .docx format. For all parts of the article, the following technical requirements must be met:

  • font: typeface Times New Roman, 14 pt;
  • line spacing — 1.5 lines;
  • paragraph indentation — 1.25 cm;
  • text alignment: by width;
  • automatic hyphenation must be turned off;
  • margins: left — 2 cm, right — 2 cm, top — 2 cm, bottom — 2 cm.

Formulas and symbols are placed in the text of the article, the Microsoft Eguation formula editor is used.

Tables. All tables found in the text of the article should be numbered and have a title that is located in front of the table.

Table name format:

Table <number>. <Name without using an abbreviation>. Their authorship (source) should be indicated below the table. Recommended format:

  • Source: developed by the author;
  • Source: developed by the author based on <indicate sources>;
  • Source: Adapted from [indicate sources].

In the text of the article, there must be links to all tables.

Inside the table, font size 12 pt is allowed (typeface Times New Roman)

Drawings. All figures found in the text of the article should be numbered and have a title that is located under the figure.

Picture title format:

Figure <number>. <Title without using an abbreviation>. After the name of the figure, the authorship (source) of this figure should be indicated. Recommended format:

  • Source: developed by the author;
  • Source: developed by the author based on <indicate sources>;
  • Source: Adapted from [indicate sources].

The text of the article must contain references to all figures.

All explication (signatures) in the picture field must be made in Times New Roman font, font size 12 pt is allowed.

Scanned graphs, tables, diagrams are not allowed.

The photographs presented in the article should be sent as a separate file in * .tiff or * .jpg formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Subscript bibliographic references are formed on the basis of using the MS Word command "Links / Insert footnote".

4. Materials submission to the editor

The following materials are provided in the form of separate files to the editorial office of the journal to the email address

  • text of scientific article (file *.doc or *.docx.); Template for article design
  • scanned copy of the license agreement signed by the authors (pdf-file);
  • a scanned copy of the expert opinion of the relevant commission on the possibility of open publication of the article (for articles on economics and transport). The expert opinion is drawn up in the form adopted in the organization, which is the main place of work of the author (pdf-file);
  • scanned copy (pdf-file) of a letter of recommendation (for articles written by a team of authors, all members of which do not have academic degrees).

File names should contain the name of the contact author and information about the document type, for example: Ivanov_article.docx, Ivanov_contract.pdf, Ivanov_conclusion.pdf, Ivanov_recommendation. pdf etc.

Copies of the signed license agreement, including consent to the processing of personal data, and an expert opinion (for articles on economics and transport) are sent by post to the address of the editorial office: 460018, Orenburg, Pobeda pr., 13, Orenburg State University, editorial office of the journal “Intellect. Innovations. Investments".

5. Anti-plagiarism policy

All articles submitted to the editorial office of the “Intellect. Innovations. Investments” are checked for borrowings and the text is determined in several stages.

At the first stage, the text of the article is checked for borrowings in the “Antiplagiat.VUZ system”.

At the second stage, an expert assessment of the uniqueness of the text is carried out based on the analysis of the full report of the “Antiplagiat.VUZ” system, as well as the analysis of tables, figures and other graphic information presented in the article.

The articles in question must not be plagiarized or self-plagiarized.

From the point of view of the editors of the journal, plagiarism is the following:

  • use of any materials in any volume without indicating their source;
  • use of tables, figures, photographs and other forms of graphic presentation of information without specifying the source (authorship);
  • use of materials, the copyright holders of which prohibit the use of their materials without special consent, without their written permission.

The citation rate depends on the genre of the article, but, as a rule, it should not exceed 30 %. Review articles, as well as articles requiring a greater number of citations for objective reasons, are considered by the editorial board of the journal on an individual basis.

Within reasonable limits, self-citation is allowed, provided that the links to all sources used are correct. As a rule, this figure should not exceed 30%. Self-citation is possible in the introduction, literature review, description of methods, techniques used to obtain results.

If for the first time the results obtained were published at a conference, then self-citation is possible in the following order: conference proceedings — a scientific article. In this case, in the abstract of the article, you should inform about this fact, indicating the name of the conference, the date and place of its holding. It is desirable to place the bibliographic description of the conference materials in the textual or subscript bibliographic references.

Quoting and self-citing in the final part of the article is not allowed. Reported results must be new.

The indicator of incorrectly executed borrowings should be less than 10 %.

The indicator of the originality of the article depends on the genre of the article and the justification for citing and self-citing. In the average case, it should be at least 80 %.

At the next stage, techniques are identified that artificially increase the originality of the manuscript text. If these techniques are identified, the manuscript is removed from consideration, its revision is not provided.

If, as a result of an expert assessment of the uniqueness of the manuscript, a negative decision is made, the editorial office informs the author about it, sends an expert report generated in the “Antiplagiat.VUZ” system and a list of materials from which the main detected illegal borrowings were made.

6. Review procedure

Double anonymous peer review is implemented. The number of reviewers is at least two people. Peer review is carried out by members of the editorial board and external experts who are specialists in the subject area of the analyzed article.

Reviewing is carried out in 2 stages.

At the first stage, the editors check:

If a non-compliance with the established requirements is found, the article is returned for revision. Recommendations for correcting the article are sent to the author.

At the second stage, the editorial staff organizes double anonymous reviewing.

Principles of reviewing articles:

  • assessment of compliance of the article with the profile of the journal;
  • assessment of the article's compliance with the current level of problem development;
  • assessment of the completeness of the disclosure of the topic of a scientific article;
  • assessment of the methodological apparatus and (or) methodological research tools;
  • assessment of the novelty of the scientific results obtained and the validity of the conclusions;
  • assessment of the quality of analysis of the literature on the research topic;
  • assessment of the scientific language, logic and style of presentation.

On the basis of these principles, criteria have been developed by which the analysis of the article is carried out.

In the final part of the review, the expert formulates his decision:

  • the article is recommended for publication;
  • the article requires minor revision and can be recommended for publication without re-reviewing;
  • the article requires revision and re-review;
  • the article is not recommended for publication.

In the second and third cases, the executive secretary of the journal sends to the contact author an anonymous version of the review text with a proposal to take into account the recommendations of the reviewers when revising the article or to refute them (or some of them) with reason.

In the third case, the revised (revised) article is re-sent for peer review. There are no more than two rounds of peer review.

An article which is not recommended for publication by reviewers will not be accepted for reconsideration.

In the presence of positive reviews, the editorial preparation of the article for publication is carried out, including scientific editing and literary revisions, the completion of the list of sources in the "References" section, approval of edits with the author, proofreading of the layout and approval of the layout of the article with the author.

7. Postal mailing

Purchase of a printed copy of the journal is carried out from the publisher.

Payment is made according to the details sent by the editorial board at the author's request. The printed copy of the journal is sent by post as a registered parcel. After sending a printed copy of the journal to the contact author by e-mail, a postal identifier number (tracking number) is sent, by which the location of the parcel can be tracked.