CONTENTS № 8’ 2019


M.R. Yakimov
On approaches to the formation of an effective system of public transport


A.A. Alabugin
Models of the theory and methodology of integrating balancing resource management of intellectual labor and capital in the conditions of the singularity of technologies: mathematical and methodological foundations of research

Yoon Youngmin
Energy import diversity of energy importing countries: focus on Korea and Japan

A.G. Kazanin
Analysis of staffing and productivity of the Russian Arctic science and science in the Arctic in the light of modern challenges

T.G. Sinyavskaya, A.A. Tregubova
Who chooses different types of insurance: econometric analysis

N.V. Cheremisina, T.N. Cheremisina, A.A. Denisov
Statistical analysis of water pollution in Rostov region


R.N. Gorbunov, Z.V. Gorbunova, V.S. Kolchin
Method of estimating street-road network level of service based on time and buffer indices

D.A. Dryuchin, M.R. Yanuchkov, V.V. Kotov
Improvement of organization of internal regional international transportation due to the coordinated work of route bases and passenger taxi

S.A. Kropiventseva, M.A. Sedova
Reducing the duration of service for passengers of departure flight and evaluating the cost of the service process

A.T. Kulakov, E.P. Barylnikova, R.F. Kalimullin
Influence of the balancing of the oil supply to the connecting bearings on their operations failures

A.I. Petrov
On the importance of entropy analysis in assessing the quality of road safety management at the federal level

Y.V. Rodionov, V.O. Nugaeva
Results of research indicator of degrees of mass absorbtion in aggressive media of glue composition for restoration of car details

D.N. Proshin, A.N. Kuzmin, A.D. Kustikov
The method of analysis of the defects in paintwork body elements in places of an adjunction of glass

I.H. Khasanov, V.I. Rassokha, D.G. Nevolin
Analysis of protection methods of paint coating restored after repair of car body

S.A. Ertman, J.A. Ertman, G.N. Morozov
The left turn traffic flow channeling technique at asignaled crossing