N.V. Cheremisina1, T.N. Cheremisina2, A.A. Denisov3

Tambov state University named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russia




Abstract. In «may» Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation considerable attention is paid to ecology as one of strategic directions of development of Russia. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to analyze the pollution of water bodies in the region (on the example of the Rostov region) in modern conditions on the basis of official statistics. To achieve this, we solved the following research objectives: given the characteristics of water resources, identified factors having the greatest influence on the discharge of polluted wastewater into surface objects of the Rostov region carried out a forecast of the sewage of the region in the near future; some recommendations for the purpose of development of complex of measures on improvement of water resources in the analyzed region.

The object of the study is the water resources of the Rostov region. The subject of the study, in turn, is the state and development of the ecology of water bodies in the region. The methods of calculation of absolute and relative indicators, correlation and regression analysis, comparison, analysis of dynamics series, forecasting, graphical data analysis, grouping and calculation of variation indicators, as well as the General scientific method of theoretical analysis of scientific and periodical literature from Russian and foreign sources were used. The Theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign economists, periodicals and Internet resources on the studied problem, official materials of Rosstat and Rostovstat.

The study found that according to the international rating of the environmental performance Index (the Environmental Performance Index 2018), Russia has lost several positions on this indicator in recent years, although the ecosystems of Russian rivers, lakes and reservoirs remain at a fairly stable level and do not undergo significant changes.

Conducted monitoring of the contamination of water bodies of the Russian regions (on the example of Rostov region) showed that, despite the deterioration of the ecological situation in the country, a decrease in discharge of polluted waste waters into surface water objects of the Rostov region, the total anthropogenic load on the environment, the preservation and restoration of water bodies in the region.

Keywords: ecology, water resources, pollution, wastewater, surface water bodies, statistical analysis.

Cite as: Cheremisina, N.V., Cheremisina, T.N., Denisov, A.A (2019) [Statistical analysis of water pollution in Rostov region]. Intellekt. Innovatsi. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovation. Investments]. Vol.8, pp 69-79. DOI: 10.25198/2077-7175-2019-8-69.