CONTENTS № 4' 2024
L. V. Matraeva
Monitoring of external migration processes as a tool of regional migration policy
Zh. A. Ermakova,
I. L. Polyakova
Organizational aspects of interregional cooperation in the framework of the formation, promotion and sale of tourism products
I. O. Malykhina,
O. V. Gromova
Higher educational institutions as the core of innovative development of the regional and national economy as a whole
A. A. Udalov
Stages of development of digital analysis and its role in the modern economy
I. E. Agureev,
A. V. Akhromeshin
Systems for managing the transport behavior of the population of urban agglomerations. Patterns of behavior, methods of their recognition
E. A. Belozertsev,
E. A. Izhbuldin,
V. I. Kochergin
Methodology for restoring dimensional connections when adjusting the valve clearance in the gas distribution mechanism of an automobile internal combustion engine
I. A. Belyaev,
A. M. Maksimov
Philosophical school of D. V. Pivovarov: current state and development potential
E. V. Ivanova, E. V. Leykand
Philosophical heritage of D. V. Pivovarov: vectors of religious spirituality
O. V. Kuznetsov,
A. V. Medvedev
Daniil Valentinovich Pivovarov: dialogue-memoir (on the 80th anniversary of the philosopher)
A. V. Markov,
O. A. Shtayn
Autocommunication as a critique of contemporary philosophical psychoanalysis
F. N. Ponosov,
I. A. Latypov
Determinative factors of the level of subjectivation of social cognition