UDC: 519.6: 656.13: 537.8
I. E. Agureev1,
A. V. Akhromeshin2
Tula State University, Tula, Russia
1e-mail: agureev-igor@yandex.ru
2e-mail: aakhromeshin@yandex.ru
Abstract. This paper examines the issues of studying decision support systems for passenger travel in terms of identifying patterns of such behavior, their classification and clustering. A review of the literature of domestic and foreign authors concerning the analysis of patterns of transport behavior of the population and their recognition is given. The relevance of studying the transport behavior of the population using the theory of patterns is substantiated. An approach to describing patterns of behavior from the point of view of the theory of macrosystems has been formed. Examples of mobile applications for route planning, modern models for studying transport behavior based on BigData technologies, neural networks, and parsing theory are given. The problem of formalizing the description of transport behavior has been solved in order to obtain a tool for analyzing the influence of control actions on transport behavior. The conclusion is made about the need for a generalized representation of transport behavior, and, consequently, its pattern, in the form of logical models.
The purpose of the study is to compile a generalized representation of transport behavior and its patterns within the framework of the theory of macrosystems by compiling a digital pattern that can be displayed as a set of graphical schemes and as a subsequent logical description.
The results obtained consist in a detailed review of the literature on the topic of decision support systems when making a trip, determining patterns of passenger behavior, and the influence of individual behavior on the behavior of the entire transport system as a whole. A toolkit for determining patterns based on the theory of macrosystems has been developed. The analysis of various methods of data processing and visualization of results used by researchers is carried out, which additionally serves to determine the possibilities of qualitative and quantitative description of transport behavior. At the same time, the set of states of the elements of the transport system, specific measurable and/or calculated values, their relation to the micro- or macro-levels of the description of the transport system were determined. It is determined that the most convenient and comprehensive tool for representing and studying patterns is the theory of transport macrosystems.
Key words: transport behavior, transport system, transport mobility, human behavior, trip, pattern.
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