UDC: 338.2


L. V. Matraeva
Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia; MIREA – Russian Technological University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: Lilia.matraeva@gmail.com

Abstract. The dual nature of the influence of international migration on the level of economic development, social situation and national security of the host country is considered. The author evaluates both the role of external migration as a compensatory component of natural population decline at the current stage of development, and the negative effects of this process.

Taking into account the specifics of the regional structure of the Russian Federation and its inherent differentiation in terms of the level of socio-economic development, in order to increase the validity of management decisions regarding the regulation of migration flows at the regional level, a system of statistical indicators is proposed in the form of a model set of diverse indicators that characterize the impact of migration flows on the economy of the region and social burden on the population. The author examines 6 main analytical areas: contingent load, migration intensity, migration load, migration efficiency, migration density, migration effectiveness, represented by relevant indicators. This system of indicators was the basis for conducting multidimensional cluster analysis in order to identify regions that have a similar profile in terms of the influence of external migration processes. As a result, 6 clusters were identified and described, which have significant differences in terms of the influence of external migration processes on the socio-economic characteristics of the region. The application of the approach under consideration, according to the author, will help improve the quality of migration flow management and the effectiveness of migrant adaptation policies at the regional level.

Key words: international migration, external migration, multidimensional cluster analysis, selective regional policy, migration burden, migration efficiency, migration risks, government regulation, migration policy.

Acknowledgements. The article was prepared within the framework of the state task of the Institute of Economics, the Ural Branch of the RAS for 2024-2026 No. 124021500019-9 “Mechanisms for regulating economic behavior of the population in conditions of structural changes”.

Cite as: Matraeva, L. V. (2024) [Monitoring of external migration processes as a tool of regional migration policy]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 4, pp. 11–25. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077- 7175-2024-4-11.


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