UDC: 338


E. V. Chernyaev
Volsk Military Institute of Material Support, Volsk, Russia
e-mail: ki-la@mail.ru

Abstract. This article focuses on the analysis of the current state and modern development trends of the Russian Federation’s rocket and space complex under contemporary conditions. The relevance of the study is driven by the increasing complexity of geopolitical and sanctions policies, which affect technological development in the industry, as well as the significant role of the rocket and space complex in ensuring national security, scientific progress, and the country’s technological sovereignty. The research is aligned with the Russian Space Activity Development Strategy up to 2030 and beyond.

The aim of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the Russian rocket and space complex, identify modern trends, and develop recommendations to enhance its competitiveness in the global market.

The research employs methods such as a systematic approach, which allowed for the consideration of the rocket and space complex as a complex multi-level structure, encompassing a wide range of functions, products, and services provided by major enterprises, corporations, and other participants; a comparative analysis of the activities of leading global space powers; statistical analysis of reporting data, expert opinions, and more. The application of this comprehensive set of research methods provided a holistic understanding of the current state of the industry and its prospective areas for further development.

The main results of the study include an assessment of the current state of the rocket and space industry, a comparative analysis of the activities of major players in the global market, which helped to identify the key problems, challenges, and specific features of the Russian Federation’s rocket and space complex at the current stage of economic development. The scientific novelty lies in identifying, substantiating, and systematizing the main trends occurring in the industry. Based on the data obtained, recommendations have been developed to improve the efficiency of the Russian rocket and space complex, with a focus on increasing innovation activity, upgrading key assets, and expanding international cooperation.

The practical significance of the study is reflected in the potential use of its results to shape strategic development plans for the industry and to develop government policies in the field of space research and technology.

Key words: rocket and space complex, space technologies, sanctions policy, geopolitical challenges, development trends, comparative analysis, SWOT analysis.

Cite as: Chernyaev, E. V. (2024) [Analysis of the current state and modern trends in the development of the rocket and space complex of the Russian Federation]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 63–73. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-6-63.


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