UDC: 304.2
S. I. Platonova
Udmurt State Agricultural University, Izhevsk, Russia
e-mail: platon-s@bk.ru
Abstract. The relevance of the article is associated with the active development of digital technologies and the emergence of digital inequality as a new form of social inequality. The article considers the socio-philosophical aspects of digital inequality. The methodological basis of the study is general logical methods of analysis, generalization, comparison, classification, typification. The study used the principles of dialectical and systemic approaches: development, comprehensiveness of study, historicism. Attention is drawn to the fact that there are empirical studies of digital inequality, which consider the levels of digital inequality (global, social, individual), the evolution of forms of digital global inequality. However, a consistent socio-philosophical analysis of digital inequality, offering a theoretical basis and a categorical-conceptual apparatus for understanding this phenomenon, is not presented in scientific knowledge. Currently, there is no unified approach to the concepts of «digital inequality» and «digital capital». There is a need for a general definition of these concepts, which should serve as a starting point for further research of digital inequality and digital capital. Digital inequality exists in various forms related to access to the latest information technologies, the use of information and communication technologies, and social prospects for mastering ICT. The manifestation of digital inequality in the main spheres of society is considered: political, economic, social, and spiritual. Attention is drawn to the connection and interdependence of digital inequality and digital capital. Based on the theory of social capital and the concept of «habitus» by P. Bourdieu, the process of converting digital capital into other forms of capital is studied. The article shows that all types of capital are interconnected and an individual with economic, political, personal, and cultural capital can transform them into digital capital (the ability and skills to use the Internet). Digital capital, in turn, is converted into offline capital. It is concluded that the lack or limitation of access to the digital environment, a low level of digital competencies is one of the main sources of the development of digital inequality as a type of social inequality in a digital society. The article also draws attention to the need to take into account the social and cultural characteristics of individuals when studying the formation of digital capital and digital inequality. A conclusion is made about understanding digital inequality as an integral phenomenon associated with digital capital.
Key words: digital society, digital capital, digital inequality, social inequality.
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