UDC: 658.5:629.33; 629.3.083.4
R. S. Faskiev1,
A. N. Melnikov2,
E. G. Keyan3
Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
1e-mail: f_rif_s@mail.ru
2e-mail: mlnikov@rambler.ru
3e-mail: keyan@mail.ru
N. V. Shadrin
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
e-mail: shadnik09@yandex.ru
Abstract. Improving the logistics system at a motor transport enterprise is an urgent area that can improve economic performance, increase competitiveness and ensure sustainable development of the enterprise in the long term.
The purpose of the presented study is to improve the efficiency of the motor transport enterprise by optimizing the cost of logistics. To do this, the following tasks were solved: establishing the parameters of the logistics system affecting the downtime of cars in maintenance and repair, developing a mathematical model for optimizing the costs of logistics for a motor transport enterprise, experimentally establishing the optimal parameters of the model.
During the study, methods of a priori ranking of factors, observation, mathematical modeling were used.
To justify the relevance of the topic of the study, an analysis of existing approaches to improving the logistics system of motor transport enterprises was carried out, shortcomings of existing methods were identified.
In the course of the work, the structure of the causes of vehicle downtime at the motor transport enterprise was established, as well as the structure of the causes of vehicle downtime during maintenance and repair. In order to establish the most significant factors characterizing the logistics system and affecting the downtime of cars, a survey of experts was conducted, the results of the survey were processed, which were used to form a mathematical model for optimizing the costs of logistics of a motor transport enterprise.
The results of the study made it possible to establish the influence of the logistics system on the unproductive downtime of cars, as well as to establish the optimal frequency of supply of spare parts and materials.
The scientific novelty lies in the development of a mathematical model for optimizing the costs of logistics for a motor transport enterprise, establishing the relationship between the total costs associated with downtime of vehicles due to the lack of spare parts and materials and transport and procurement costs for logistics.
The practical significance of the results of the study is to establish the optimal frequency of supply of spare parts and materials, taking into account the characteristics of the motor transport enterprise.
The direction of further research is to establish the relationship between the frequency of supply of material and technical resources for motor transport enterprises with the size of batches of resources and their cost.
Key words: motor transportation enterprise, spare parts, inventory management, material support, optimization of deliveries.
Cite as: Faskiev, R. S., Melnikov, A. N., Keyan, E. G., Shadrin, N. V. (2024) [Model for optimizing costs for the logistics of a motor transport enterprise]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 122–131. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-6-122.
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