O.V. Mamai
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Samara state agricultural academy
I.N. Mamai
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Management and Marketing,Samara state agricultural academy
Introduction. Improving the quality and accelerating the pace of economic growth in individual countries over the past decade is largely due to the disclosure of the potential of innovation activity. The traditional paradigm of extensive use of resources is replaced by innovation. From this perspective, the study of innovative development of Russian regions is relevant. The purpose of the research is to quantify the innovation development of the Russian regions on the basis of building an innovation and technological matrix by studying the correlation of regional costs for research and regional labor productivity, analyzing the features of Russia's innovative development, taking into account regional differences.
Materials and methods. Various methods for evaluating and analyzing innovation activity in the region are considered, and the innovative development of the regions is compared with the indicators of innovation activity and technological development of the region, regional labor productivity and regional costs for scientific research. Various methods of studying processes and phenomena in the field of organizational and economic relations have been used in the work: conceptual modeling, synthesis and analysis, tabular and graphical interpretation of theoretical information and empirical data, systemic and logical approaches to studying trends in the development of the innovation system of Russian regions.
Results. The analysis of innovative activity in the Russian regions made it possible to identify the leading regions and regions occupying an average position throughout the research period, to give them recommendations on the formation of an innovation strategy, to identify technological and innovative "failures" in the innovation-technological matrix.
Discussion. The results obtained in the course of the research can be used to formulate the innovation policy of the regions, to make decisions on key points for investing funds, and to develop official program documents in the innovation sphere by the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Further research into the innovative development of Russian regions will reveal trends in their innovative activity.
The conclusion. The methodology of applying the innovation-technological matrix is an effective tool for researching the country's innovative development, taking into account regional differences and allows us to give recommendations on the formation of innovative strategies for the development of regions.
Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, innovative development, innovation-technological matrix.
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