S.V. Bulatov
Post-graduate student, training direction 23.06.01 Equipment and technology of land transport, Orenburg State University
Object. Rolling stock passenger transport company.
Purposes. Renewal of the enterprise Park taking into account its age structure.
Methodology. The method of dynamic programming allows to carry out qualitative and rational renewal of the Park with the maximum profit for the enterprise.
Results. The experiment showed that the rolling stock of more than 10 years of age is unprofitable, and the maximum profit value determined by the Bellman function f10(7) is 60.
Summary. The effectiveness of dynamic programming is due to the use of recurrent formulas that allow for a rational process of finding optimal solutions to problems arising in the enterprise.
Keywords: rolling stock, planning period, system, profit, Bellman function.
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2. Bulatov, S.V. Determination of the probability of failures of rolling stock in passenger transport enterprises / S.V. Bulatov // Ground transport and technological means: design, production, operation: materials of I All-Russian correspondence science- practical conf. – Chita: Sabga, 2016. – pp. 267-270.
3. Garifullin, K.M. Cost Management / K.M. Garifullin // Publishing house of Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute. – 2005. – Vol. 5. – pp. 40-56.
4. Goryaeva, I.A. Dependence of the cost of spare parts on the age of the rolling stock of road transport / I.A. Goryaeva, E.N. Goryaeva // Bulletin of SUSU. – 2012. – Vol. 44. – pp. 185-186.
5. Dyachkova O.M. Determining the required number of vehicles for local transportation with the use of different methodologies and different sizes of buses on routes / O.M. Dyachkova, A.S. Ryzhov, P.P. Volodkin // Information technology and innovations in transportation. Proceedings of the 2nd International scientific-practical conference, under the general editorship of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.N. Novikov (17–18th of May 2016, of the «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev»). – Orel: «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev», 2016. – pp. 383-393.
6. Kim, B.G. On the method of selection of optimization criterion the required number of reserve elements of the parks of machinery / B.G. Kim, R. Nasrullaeva // The transport system of Siberia. Development of the transport system as a catalyst for the growth of the state economy. International scientific-practical conference (Krasnoyarsk, 7-8th of April 2016): collection of scientific works in 2 vol. Vol. 2 / ed. by V.V. Minin. – Krasnoyarsk: Siberia federal university, 2016. – pp. 434-437.
7. Kulev, A.V. Increase of efficiency of functioning of city passenger transport / V.A. Kulev, A.N. Novikov, M.V. Kulev, N.S. Kuleva // Information technology and innovations in transportation. Proceedings of the 2nd International scientific-practical conference, under the general editorship of doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.N. Novikov (17-18th of May, 2016, of the «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev»). – Orel: «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev», 2016. – pp. 378-383.
8. Lyakhov, E.Y. A study of vintage and the age structure of the bus fleet of Rybnitsa and Rybnitsa district / E.Y. Lyakhov, M.R. Vudvud // The transport system of Siberia. Development of the transport system as a catalyst for the growth of the state economy. International scientific-practical conference (Krasnoyarsk, 7-8th of April 2016): collection of scientific works in 2 vol. Vol. 2 / ed. by V.V. Minin. – Krasnoyarsk: Siberia federal university, 2016. – pp. 431-434.
9. Rodionov, Yu.V. Analysis of operating conditions of cars / Yu.V. Rodionov, E.A. Ostrovskaya // Problems of quality and operation of vehicles: Operation and development of road transport: materials of XII international. correspondence scientific techn. conf. 15th of April 2016, Penza / [editorial board: E.R. Domke (resp. ed.), etc.]. – Penza: PGUAS, 2016. – pp. 146-152.
10. Stepanov, A.S. Forecasting of failures of subsystems of automobile passenger transport / A.S. Stepanov // Transport and transport and technological systems: materials of the International scientific and technical conference. – Tyumen: TSOGU, 2016. – pp. 287-293.