A.P. Martynov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of Rosstat Territorial Statistical Office of Orenburg Region
The urgency of the problem under investigation is caused by the influence of migration processes on the development of the social and economic component of the single-industry cities of the Orenburg region. In modern conditions, migration is a powerful factor in regional development, which strengthens its importance in terms of population depopulation. The purpose of the article is to identify the main directions and extent of migration activity of the population and the migration attractiveness of the mono-profile territories of the Orenburg region, and to assess its sustainability. In the article, when studying this problem, methods are used to measure the stability of levels and trends in dynamics from 2005 to 2016. Quantitative assessment of the migration attractiveness of single-industry towns of the Orenburg region is carried out by calculating the corresponding coefficients. The analysis shows that the mono-profile territories of the Orenburg region in terms of migration attractiveness were divided into three zones. Currently, the most attractive for migrants are third-city monotowns, characterized by a stable social and economic situation, including Sol-Iletsk and Yasnensky urban districts, which since 2011 have shown an increase in the dynamics of the migration attractiveness factor. It should be noted that the dynamics of the migration attractiveness of single-industry towns of the Orenburg region is weak. The materials of the article can be useful for regional and municipal authorities, as well as migration services and agencies in developing migration policies and programs for social and economic development of the territories. 
Keywords: single-industry town, migration attractiveness, migration increase, coefficient of stability, tendency of migration processes.
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