T.F. Melnikova
Candidate of Economic Scienceы, Associate Professor of Department of Marketing, Commerce and Advertising, Orenburg State University
E.G. Kashchenko
Associate Professor of Department of Marketing, Commerce and Advertising, Orenburg State University
D.M. Nigmatulina
Student of Faculty of Economics and Management, Orenburg State University
Public catering is an important branch of trade, the effectiveness of which is demonstrated by the socio-economic situation of the country. The success of enterprises in the market largely depends on the chosen price policy, price level and competent marketing analysis. Pricing in public catering establishments is considered the most difficult. This is due to the fact that the activities of these enterprises combine functions such as the production and sale of food products of their own production and of purchased goods, as well as the provision of services to the population in meeting their nutritional needs under unfinished conditions. In this regard, the marketing analysis of prices in the industry is relevant.
The purpose of the article is to study the state of the catering market in the city of Orenburg and conduct an analysis of the established prices.
The research used theoretical and applied methods: system analysis, survey, SWOT analysis, synthesis and integration of results.
The article presents an analysis of such indicators as: public catering turnover, its dynamics, and dynamics of per capita income of the population. SWOT-analysis of the public catering potential of the Orenburg region was carried out, as a result of which strong and weak sides were revealed. With existing threats to the industry in the region there are such opportunities as: the use of automation systems, staff development, the use of modern information technologies and others.
Also considered the geographical range of location of institutions, applied pricing strategies and average prices for the most popular services at enterprises of various types: business lunch, coffee take-away, mean check values.
The practical significance of the article is the ability to use the results for further research in marketing and analysis of the catering market in the Orenburg region.
Keywords: price, catering, price strategy, pricing, marketing analysis.
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