N.K. Borisyuk
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of management, Orenburg State University
O.S. Smotrina
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of management, Orenburg State University
The development of information and communication technologies in the country was considered and considered in science from the standpoint of the concepts of postindustrial society, the network economy, the information and digital economy. In this regard, the purpose of the study is determined by the need to clarify the definition of the digital economy from the position of the logistics approach, formulating the mechanism of its development in the region. The article considers approaches to interpretation of the concept and content of the digital economy, the mechanism of its development.
To realize this goal, structural-logical and structural-linguistic methods were used.
The relevance of research on this subject is confirmed by the facts of close attention in Russia to the problems of the functioning and development of the digital economy. At the level of public administration, there is an active development of directions related to the digitalization of society, first in the framework of the Information Society program, then Digital Economy. At present, certain results have been achieved on the development of digital technologies in the regions of the Russian Federation, which requires additional research.
Proceeding from this, it seems theoretically interesting to consider the interpretations of the digital economy, as well as the mechanism for its implementation in the region, taking into account the accumulated scientific and practical experience.
The research results consist in the formulation of the author's definition of the digital economy and the mechanism of its development in the region from the position of the logistic approach.
Keywords: digital economy, development mechanism, postindustrial society, model of digital economy, principles of functioning of digital economy, logistics approach.
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