P.V. Lyashenko
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of general legal disciplines and political science, Orenburg State University
The article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual bases of a utopia within Ancient Greek philosophical system. This system in the majority of scientific research appears as the period of formation and registration of a utopia. In article it is noted that the objective idealism of Platon, accumulating in itself a thought of an ideal image of the world, setting parameters of reasonable, esthetically ordered social being, promotes emergence of a utopian perspective and formation of the conceptual bases of a utopian thought. Further development of ideas of a utopia during the antique period is clearly slowed down in connection with promotion into the forefront of the Aristotelean philosophical system alien to a primacy ideal over material and ontologically equalizing a form and matter. There of the arising rudiments of utopian thinking in objective idealism of Platon don't find a conceptual and methodological support in the maintenance of the philosophical doctrines arising and gaining distribution which are under the influence of an aristotelizm and cease to develop. Considering this circumstance, the author comes to a conclusion that in Antiquity conceptual prerequisites of a utopia are put. However during this era the utopia couldn't develop owing to the prevailing influence of the traditionalism which is contrary to spirit and a letter of a utopian outlook and therefore essentially constraining his development. 
Keywords: utopia, ancient philosophy, space, perfection, beauty, harmony, policy, person.
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