L.N. Ivanova-Shvets
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of human resource management, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The urgency of the problem under investigation is determined by the importance of identifying the factors limiting the innovative activity of the regions. Accounting and leveling of such factors can be a stimulus for realizing the potential of innovative breakthrough of regions.
The main methods of research can include: analysis, graphic, detailing, grouping, system. The system approach allowed to identify the main aspects of the problem and determine the nature of the relationships between the properties and characteristics of the object.
Political, economic, legal, technological, socio-cultural, organizational and managerial factors influencing the innovation activity of the Federal Districts of Russia are considered and analyzed in the article. Dynamics of innovative activity of regions during recent years is shown, and the factors that have a negative impact on innovation activity are identified.
The materials of the article can be used at the regional level for the development and implementation of innovative development programs, as well as in research work on enhancing the innovative development of the territories of Russia.
Keywords: innovative activity, factors influencing the innovative activity of federal districts.
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