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D. A. Astafyev
Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg; Orenburg Branch of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Orenburg, Russia
e-mail: astafev25@yandex.ru

A. M. Maksimov
Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg, Russia
e-mail: maksimov_a_m@mail.ru

Abstract. The study is relevant due to the fact that the life of a modern person is permeated with fears, both real and virtual. A person cannot imagine his life without fear; even his own existence causes fear. Despite the fact that fear has always accompanied a man, at present, due to the increase in self-awareness and many other factors, in our opinion, fear is becoming the true basis of human existence in the world.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the problem of fear as the basis of human existence in various historical periods and, in particular, at the present stage of human development. The achievement of the stated goal was facilitated by the solution of the following tasks. 1. To analyze the evolution of philosophical ideas about fear in various historical periods. 2. Based on the analysis, to draw conclusions and show that the rethink of fear is carried out in the New Age, since this period is a turning point in changing the role of fear. It is at this time that its individualization occurs, and it acquires a pronounced social character. 3. Particular attention should be paid to the analysis of existential philosophy, in which fear is considered as one of the key foundations of human existence and the main companion of a man in the modern era. Human existence and fear become one whole, connected by an inextricable thread. The methodology of this study is based on a dialectical approach. This approach was implemented through the use of a set of research methods of induction, deduction, analysis, comparison and synthesis, which are of a general scientific character.

Analyzing the problem of fear in modern reality, we came to the conclusion that the XXI century is an era when fear begins to accompany an individual in his daily existence, becomes a mass phenomenon and is formed in the public consciousness through various information channels: the media, the Internet, expert opinion, etc. The modern world has also generated completely new types of fears, which are a direct consequence of technologization, informatization, and digitalization of society. The appearance of the “pandemic of fear” amid the COVID-19 pandemic reinforced our idea that in the XXI century fear has become the true basis of human existence.

Key words: fear, understanding of fear, human existence, XXI century fear, massification of fear, «pandemic of fear».

Cite as: Astafyev, D. A., Maksimov, A. M. (2023) [Philosophical understanding of fear as the basis of human existence]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 117–125. – https://doi. org/10.25198/2077-7175-2023-6-117.


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