UDC: 338.22.01


A. B. Ilin
Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: ilin_ab@rggu.ru

Abstract. The paper presents the author’s scientific views on the current state of the world economy, its either Western or Eastern self-determination in the process of economic history.

The relevance of the research is determined by the transformation of relations between states, their strategic management and the development or stagnation of the business environment. The current situation poses the question of a civilizational choice for many countries: to join the BRICS, to declare their power in the G7, to determine their own independence or to be an observer.

The author, through the genesis of the “Eastern” economy, the “Russian Idea” and the development of the Chinese and Middle Eastern economies, makes conclusions on the further path of the Russian economy. Definitely, due to the limited volume of the material, the author considers the branches that refer to his scientific research interests and concepts.

The history of managerial and economic thought, as well as the genesis of public administration, allows to determine the prerequisites for a modern economy shaping. The drivers of the economy, to which the author refers China and the Persian Gulf countries, are transforming the business environment today. China is striving for a multi-polarity of the world, and the Arab Emirates are trying to ensure the future of generations through petrodollars, investing in trending industries and thereby forming a positive image of their actions, including mega-events.

For Russia, on the one hand, new opportunities are opening for the entrepreneurial environment development, its own entrepreneurial culture shaping, new areas of entrepreneurial activity, import substitution. On the other hand, in modern conditions it is impossible to do without programs and projects to support the business environment, and, at the same time, strengthen control over the production and sale of goods and services.

The article is rather conceptual, since it represents the author’s view of the current situation. Taking into consideration that the planning horizon today is limited to a mega-short-term period, the relevance of many scientific publications, in particular, J. Byrnes, [1], A. N. Shokhin [2], I. V. Guskova [3], A. L. Kudrin [4], M. Mazzucatto [5], may change with regular frequency.

Key words: economic development, public administration, business structures, history of economic thought, Russian statehood.

Cite as: Ilin, A. B. (2023) [Modern economy: are we going to the East?!] Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 11–19. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2023-6-11.


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