M.V. Kislinskaya
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of economy and management, the Syzran branch of Samara State University of Economics 
S.V. Sharohina
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of economy and management, the Syzran branch of Samara State University of Economics 
O.E. Pudovkina
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of economy and management, the Syzran branch of Samara State University of Economics 
The assessment of the effectiveness and quality of enterprises management systems plays the leading role in improving their organizational development. 
However, the processes of globalization, informatization, strengthening of uncontrolled risks, politicization of international relations lead to the impossibility of effectively using the traditional rationalistic binary approach. Obtaining correct results based on a binary approach and their further use to increase the competitiveness of organizations becomes difficult.
The relevance of the problem of the assessment of management systems studied by the authors of this article is caused by the need for a scientific and practical justification for a new worldview.
In this item the terminological basis of the methodology of scientific knowledge of the trinitarian approach is specified, the need for its application to the evaluation of management systems is justified. 
The leading approach to the study of this problem is modeling in its species diversity. It helps to identify the main existing possible structural relations of the elements, to develop algorithms and to determine trends in the development of management systems.
The main results of this item are the author's interpretation of the trinitarian approach, and detailed description of the trinitarian model of the assessment of enterprise management systems.
The materials of this item can be useful to management of modern enterprises in the assessment of management systems, as well as to researchers in the field of improving management systems and increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises.
Keywords: management system, assessment, trinitarian systems, assessment model, feedback
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