UDC: 311:4; 338.1


M.Yu. Arkhipova1, V.P. Sirotin2
National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
1e-mail: archipova@yandex.ru
2e-mail: vpsirotin@yandex.ru

V.E. Afonina
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MFA), Odintsovo, Russia
e-mail: afonina_vera@mail.ru

Abstract.The article is devoted to the research of innovation activity of small and medium enterprises in Russia. Small and medium-sized enterprises are considered as a reserve for improving the efficiency of economic development and ensuring its sustainable growth. Despite the presence of a significant number of scientific papers on the problems of development of Russian small and medium-sized enterprises and its state support, there are a number of unresolved problems, including those related to the study of innovation activity and features of the development of small and medium-sized innovation enterprises and their impact on the formation of the spatial structure of the economy. The development of small and medium-sized businesses helps to overcome the dependence of the country’s economy on large enterprises and diversifies the sectoral structure, thereby increasing its stability, provides employment for most of the economically active population. Due to high mobility, small and mediumsized enterprises are the most open to innovation and new technological solutions, they contribute to the effective filling of market niches that are less attractive for large companies.

Much attention is paid to the study of the structure and dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia, as well as the analysis of modern approaches to the study of innovation activity of enterprises on the basis of the recommendations presented in the fourth Oslo Manual “Recommendations for the collection and analysis of data on innovation”, designed to meet the new challenges of modernity and especially the innovation development of the world. To study the factors that have a statistically significant impact on the innovation activity of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, the article proposes a regression model. The introduction of lagged indicators of subsidizing small and medium-sized enterprises from the Federal budget into the model made it possible to trace the effect of attenuation of such impact after the expiration of a two-year period.

Further research in the context of small and medium-sized innovative enterprises export activity study may be connected with their distribution by types of economic activity.

Keywords: small and medium enterprises, factors of growth, trends of development, regression model.