UDC: 311


I.A. Polykova, E.N. Makarenko
Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
e-mail: mirgan15@mail.ru

Abstract. The article substantiates the feasibility of studying the most important components of the labor sphere of modern urban settlements, which is due to the urgent need to expand the information space at the settlement level. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state and dynamics of the most important indicators of the labor sphere to identify key problems, the formation and determination of the advantages and competitive position of the capital of the southern Federal district relative to the cities of millions in this area.

The empirical base of the study was the data of the Federal state statistics service and the results of special surveys on employment and unemployment in the dynamics for 2013 - 2017.

The made settlement and analytical actions allowed to prove expediency of formation of the Concept of strategic development of the city on the basis of official information resources. The article shows the relevance of the use of modern information in the transformation of business management methods based on new principles of working with big data. The importance of this study in connection with the transition to the process of creating a digital economy platform, one of the priority goals of which is to improve the level and quality of life of the population.

In the course of the study the expediency of transition in the management of urban settlements on the model of social development in the framework of the implementation of a systematic approach, which involves the effective use of strategic resources of socio-economic potential of the city, the territory and the modernization of urban management, provided that resource-saving economic development based on the expansion of innovative economic activities.

The dynamics of the basic indicators of the social and labor sphere of Rostov-on-don in the framework of the implementation of the employment strategy directions is considered.

Identified: a positive trend in the dynamics of registered unemployment; positive dynamics in the form of wage growth and social payments, which took place before 2016; the city average last figure was higher than the level of decline in real income among the working population; the presence of sectoral wage differentiation.

It is shown that the process of decline in real income affected, first of all, households with young children, households of pensioners and unemployed citizens whose income is more dependent on the amount of social benefits.

A comparative assessment of the state of the social and labor sphere of Rostov-on-don relative to the cities of millionaires of Russia.

The key problems are identified and the competitive position of Rostov-on-don in the social and labor sphere in the form of a number of advantages and key trends is determined.

Keywords: social and labor sphere, income, employment, strategy, digital economy, statistics, dynamics.