T.D. Sterledeva
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of philosophy and law, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
The article deals with the actual problem of modification of categories «subject» and «object» appearing as categories «subjectity» and «objectity». Such modification is due to the necessity of significant theoretical correction of classical understanding of subject-object type of relationship when analyzing different aspects of human existence and development in the 20th and the beginning of 21st century. Subjectity is regarded as manifestation and deployment of man`s being activity in aspect of entire possible completeness of his actual and potential capacities. And also from the point of view of their realization not just in present as well in future. The concept «objectity» is opposing the concept «subjectity» and characterizes actual and potential aspects of things, phenomena and situations incoming within the scope of human attention and activity. The novelty in investigation of this problem is meaningful analysis of categories «subjectity» and «objectity» in aspect of the development of new artificial type of reality – electronic virtual reality (EVR). The comparative analysis of existing types of reality and EVR permits to create a new type of methodology based on investigation of the current reality as especial which contributes to a better understanding of world`s capacity and human capacity. 
Keywords: subjectity, objectity, reality, potential, electronic virtual reality.
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