M. A. Perekhoda

Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg, Russia

e-mail: Marina.perehoda@mail.ru

Abstract. The philosophical discourse of the XX–ХХI, in the face of the latest ontologies, is characterized by a change in the way of speaking about things (objects), the restoration of their philosophical rights, almost completely, excluding one of the central ontological roles of a person in access to the surrounding reality.

The purpose of this study was to identify the features of ideas about the ontological status of an object in modern philosophical and ontological theories. Achievement of the stated goal of the research was ensured by complex application, based on the comparative approach, dialectical and hermeneutic methods, as well as the method of ontological differentiation. In the course of the study, the features of the vision of an object, characteristic of postclassical ontologies of the 20th century, were considered. In the course of the research, the features of the object vision characteristic of post-classical ontologies of the XX century (actor-network theory, flat ontologies) were considered. Based on the ideas of plurality, heterogeneity, anti-essentialism and relationalism in the philosophical discourse of our time, the author presents a modern interpretation of the ontological statuses of objects. By analyzing the relationship of postclassical ontologies to the category of truth, the epistemological and methodological nature of the above ontological theories has been revealed. A critical analysis of the features of the status that is attributed to the object within their framework is carried out. The author substantiates the idea that the ontological status of an object in modern ontologies is reduced exclusively to its communicative and intermediary nature.

The article ends with a brief presentation of the author’s views that the ontological status of an object is a fundamental issue of the connection between the idea of essence and the idea of subjectivity, which is inherent in intentionality as the ability to cognize an object. At the same time, it is pointed out that the researcher must concentrate exclusively on «cognition» and not on the «construction» of the object. The author notes that modern specialists, operating with traditional ontological terms (being, existence) in the sphere of the considered ontologies, and trying to create a new «ontology of the social», miss their original intention. In this connection, the idea turns into a new epistemology and, as a consequence, the construction of a completely different methodological framework for the cognitive process, but not an integral ontological concept.

Key words: actant, actor-network theory, object, subject, ontology, flat ontologies, object status, truth.

Acknowledgements. I would like to express my gratitude to my research advisor Igor Alexandrovich Belyaev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of philosophy, cultural studies and sociology of Orenburg state university, for the most important advice during the research and sensitive mentoring.

Cite as: Perehoda, M. A. (2021) [Object status in modern ontologies]. Intellekt. Innovatsii. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 3, рр. 111–116. DOI: 10.25198/2077-7175-2021-3-111.