R. Yu. Rakhmatullin

Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa, Russia


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to clarify the differences between the concepts of «religious picture of the world» and «religious ontology». The relevance of the study of this issue follows from the importance of deter¬mining the status of philosophical knowledge, its functions in the system of all other knowledge of the world. This eternal question, expressed in the form of a walking expression «Why is physics a philosophy?», Is now reinforced by the prevalence of technocratic trends in culture. The forecast made in the 1960s by Western sociologists that the 21st century will be the century of the humanities has not yet been justified. In this regard, the need arises for a clear separation of the subject field of philosophy from other forms of cognition, especially those in which worldview knowledge is produced. This is done in the article on the example of determining the difference between such types of knowledge as the religious picture of the world and religious ontology. The author does not agree with their identification, because it makes one of these concepts superfluous both in philosophy and theology. The results of the study, representing its novelty, can be formulated in the form of the following theses: a) the religious picture of the world is an essential component of a religious worldview; b) it differs from other types of religious knowledge by the presence in its content of special –ontologized– images that have the property of intentionality; c) the objects of religious ontology and religious worldview are the same objects: God, angels, evil forces, man and the Universe, etc., but this is not the basis for their identification; d) the difference between the religious picture of the world and religious ontology is that the first is a kind of religious knowledge, the second is philosophical. If the religious picture of the world, as the most generalized form of religious knowledge, positions itself as reliable information about the world emanating from God or saints, then the religious ontology is guided by the principle of criticality and is not without doubt. It can be defined as a philosophical reflection on the religious picture of the world, aimed at clarifying sacred ideas about this world and the other world.

Keywords: religious worldview, religious ontology, worldview, philosophy, ontologized image, intentionality.

Cite as: Rakhmatullin, R.Yu. (2020) [Religious picture of the world vs religious ontology]. Intellekt. Inno¬vatsii. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 3, pp. 99–104. DOI: 10.25198/2077-7175-2020-3-99.
