I.A. Belyaev
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Orenburg State University
The study, the results of which are presented in the article, is devoted to the development of one of the most urgent components of the problem of sociocultural transformations. The process of the desacralization of the basic ideals of the culture of the modern information society is interpreted by the author in the context of the ideas of his teacher, an outstanding Russian philosopher D.V. Pivovarov (1943-2016). At the beginning of the article, the relevance of this study is constituted and the expediency of focusing attention on local cultures in the process of its implementation is substantiated. Then, the specifics of the negative changes occurring today with solid cores and protective belts of local dominant cultures are revealed. Further, two trends of cultural genesis are analyzed, consisting in increasing the degree of subcultural differentiation of these cultures and the expansion of countercultures in relation to them, and also the main features of the evolutionary-involutional and bifurcation phases of the process of desacralization of the basic ideals of the culture of the information society are considered. The article ends with a statement of the author’s position regarding the content of those research questions, the answers to which create a proper theoretical foundation for the effective identification of the characteristics of modern culture and the prospects for its formation.
Keywords: D.V. Brewers, culture, sociocultural transformations, basic sacral ideals of culture, derivative ideals of culture, dominant culture, subculture, counterculture, desacralization.
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2. Belyaev, I.A. Culture, subculture, counterculture / I.A. Belyaev, N.A. Belyaeva// Spirituality and statehood. Collection of scientific articles. Issue 3; edited by I.A. Belyaev. – Orenburg: a branch of the UrAHS in Orenburg, 2002. – pp. 5-18.
3. Pivovarov, D.V. Ideal in culture: the problem of authorship / D.V. Pivovarov // Problems of Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Culture: Almanac. – Yekaterinburg: Publishing house Ural. Law Academy, 1999. – pp. 161-167.
4. Pivovarov, D.V. The ideal at the base of culture: the strategy of general education / D.V. Pivovarov // Scientific works of professors of the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law. – Yekaterinburg. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – pp. 12-23.
5. Pivovarov, D.V. The ideal as a component of culture / D.V. Brewers // Culture as a process. – Yekaterinburg: Ural skilled center, 1995. – pp. 10-13.
6. Pivovarov, D.V. History and philosophy of religion: study guide / D.V. Pivovarov, A.V. Medvedev. – Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of Ural institute, Nizhnevartovsk: Publishing house of Nizhnevartovsk ped. inst., 2000. – 408 p.
7. Pivovarov, D.V. Culture and religion: sacralization of basic ideals: monograph / D.V. Brewers. – Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of Ural inst., 2013. – 248 p.
8. Pivovarov, D.V. Culture and religion: three models of the basis of culture / D.V. Brewers // Religious. – 2011. – Vol. 2. – pp. 137-148.
9. Pivovarov, D.V. Culture as ideal formation / D.V. Pivovarov // Cultural Studies and Art Culture. – Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk University Press, 2000. – pp. 5-8.
10. Pivovarov, D.V. Attempt to synthesize basic definitions of culture / D.V. Pivovarov // Multicultural Modernity: Ural-Russia-World: Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation) Humanitarian University, 2-3th April 2009: Reports / editorial: L.A. Zaks and others: in 2 vol. – Yekaterinburg: Humanitarian University. – 2009. – Vol. 1. – pp. 218-225.
11. Pivovarov, D.V. Religious self-determination of a person in the context of culture / D.V. Brewers // Philosophy of self-determination. – Orenburg: Publishing house Orenburg University Press, 1996. – pp. 41-70.
12. Pivovarov, D.V. Religion as a social connection (Sacralization of the foundation of culture) / D.V. Brewers. – Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of Ural inst., 1993. – 98 p.
13. Pivovarov, D.V. Synthetic paradigm in philosophy: the elect. articles / D.V. Brewers. – Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of Ural inst., 2011. – 536 p.
14. Pivovarov, D.V. Ideale and Ideelle / D.V. Pivovarov // Journal of the Siberian Federal University. Series: Humanities. – 2012. – Issue 5. – Vol. 1. – pp. 13-27.
15. Pivovarov, D.V. Problem of synthesis of the main definitions of culture / D.V. Pivovarov // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Series: Humanities. – 2009. – Issue 2. – Vol. 1. – pp. 17-22.