M.I. Marenkov
Post-graduate student, Research institute of strategic planning
The level of development of the industry and its structure in many respects define country positions at the international level, the states allow to ensure commodity safety and determine the speed of transition to digital economy. In this regard we consider studying of a condition of industrial production in Russia the relevant task demanding theoretical judgment and practical studying. The purpose of carrying out a research will consist in the retrospective analysis of a condition of industrial production in Russia. For achievement of a goal such methods as the analysis and synthesis, tabular, graphic and a method of coefficients have been used. As the main results of the conducted research it is possible to call the following: dynamics of the index of industrial production indicates unstable growth subject to considerable fluctuations under the influence of local and world economic crises; in structure of the Russian industry dominates the extracting productions whereas universal regularity it the processing productions; fixed assets of the industry of time are considerably worn-out at the moment that is explained by the low level of their updating in connection with insufficient investment. The received conclusions will be useful to researchers in the field of economy and management of the industrial enterprises and also to employees and specialists of public institutions and departments when developing strategy of modernization of the industry of Russia and transition to digital economy.
Keywords: industry, index of industrial production, fixed assets, investments, innovations.
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