E.T. Korshunova
Post-graduate student, State research Institute for system analysis of the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation
The gas industry is an important sector of the fuel and energy complex of Russia and one of the most constantly developing and promising parts of the country's economy. Reliable gas supply to gas consumers and obtaining results that ensure the sustainable economic development of gas enterprises in the country are among the central provisions reflected in the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030.
The article presents the author's model of an integrated method for evaluating the effectiveness of managing an intra-corporate strategy for the sustainable economic development of a gas industry enterprise, as applied to a gas distribution enterprise. This model is universal for evaluating the effectiveness of the strategy for sustainable economic development of an industrial enterprise.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the main components of the methodology for assessing the sustainable economic development strategy of the industrial enterprise of the gas industry, taking into account its industry specifics.
The study applied general scientific methods of scientific knowledge, such as analysis, synthesis, induction and generalization.
This article includes the rationale and the main components of the methodology for assessing the sustainable economic development strategy of the industrial enterprise in the gas industry.
Keywords: strategy of sustainable economic development of industrial enterprise, model, gas industry.
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