Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Place of employment: Dean of the Faculty of Transportation, Professor of the Department of Motor Transport, Orenburg State University.

Vladimir Ivanovich is a full member of the Russian Academy of Transport; member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission on transport; member of dissertation councils D 212.181.02, D 212.181.07 on the basis of the Orenburg State University and D 212.250.02 on the basis of the Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI); member of the editorial boards and editorial boards of scientific journals from the list of jourNALS OF High Attestation Commision ("Intellect. Innovations. Investments", "Bulletin of SibADI", "Transport. Transport facilities. Ecology", "Bulletin of the Bryansk State Technical University", "Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language", "Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Economics and Management").

Rassokha V.I. has the honorary title Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (2011), the honorary title "Veteran of the Orenburg State University" (2016). He was awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (2008), a silver medal of the VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments (2008), diplomas of the Government Prize Laureate (1993, 2007) and the Governor of the Orenburg Region in the field of science and technology (2010, 2012, 2013), diplomas of the winner competition of monographs, textbooks and manuals of OSU (2001, 2008, 2015).

Rassokha V.I. the author of over 300 scientific publications, including 98 articles in scientific and scientific-industrial journals (High Attestation Commission  — 69, Scopus —2, Web of Science — 2), 83 patents of the Russian Federation, 5 monographs, 12 teaching aids (of which 9 are with the UMO stamp) in the direction: construction and operation of vehicles.

Hirsch index (RSCI) — 13.

Hirsch index (Scopus) — 2.

Hirsch index (Web of Science) — 2.

Web of Science ResearcherID: M-3242-2017.

Scopus Author ID: 57193742928.

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7836-2242.

e-mail: cabin2012@yandex.ru.