UDC: 656.1


M. G. Boyarshinov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
e-mail: mgboyarshinov@pstu.ru

Yu. A. Shchukin
Perm National Research Polytechnic University; Perm Directorate of Road Traffic, Perm, Russia
e-mail: cshukin-yura@mail.ru

Abstract. The aim of the study is to investigate the natural quantitative characteristics of the functioning of a roadside (linear) parking area: the number of parking sessions, the occupancy of the parking space, the distribution of storage periods, the intensity of entry and exit of cars, the turnover of parking spaces, etc. The object of the study is the processes of functioning of a roadside parking lot located near an educational institution (school). The subject of the study is the features of the functioning of a parking space of this type. In contrast to well-known publications, the evolution of key indicators of roadside parking is considered, that is, their dependence on the time (quarter) of the year. Observations were carried out continuously for a week both in spring (April) and summer (July), autumn (October) and winter (February). The data for the study were obtained using the stationary measuring software and hardware complex «Azimuth DT», which monitors the movement of vehicles in the parking area continuously throughout the entire observation period. Digital processing of video recording data of cars entering and leaving the parking lot allowed us to establish that almost all the determined quantitative characteristics of the parking space are not constant and depend on the season, which must be taken into account when placing, planning and organizing the functioning of the parking area. It is noted that the specific generation of correspondence and the required number of parking spaces near the centers of mass gravity are sensitive to the characteristics of the urban area and, apparently, vary greatly across the regions of the country. The indicators obtained for urbanized areas of other countries are unique and are not applicable for practical use in Russia. It is advisable to extend the experience and methodology of studying the parking space to the study of the performance indicators of flat, including intercepting, and multi-level parking lots.

Key words: parking, parking space occupancy, duration of parking.

Cite as: Boyarshinov, M. G., Shchukin Yu. A. (2024) [Features of the functioning of roadside parking space]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 89–108. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077- 7175-2024-6-89.


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