UDC: 656.072


H. M. A. Asfur1, N. K. Goryaev2
South Ural State University (national research university), Chelyabinsk, Russia
1e-mail: iraqieng2003@gmail.com
2e-mail: goriaevnk@susu.ru

V. I. Rassokha
Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
e-mail: cabin2012@yandex.ru

Abstract. The transport systems of modern cities largely determine the quality of life of the urban population. Increasing the role of urban public passenger transport, increasing the volume of traffic carried out by this type of transport, is traditionally considered as one of the ways to reduce the severity of urban transport problems. In this regard, a study aimed at improving the productivity of urban passenger transport, including by increasing the capacity of urban transport infrastructure, is relevant. Based on the relevance of the topic under consideration and approaches that ensure an increase in the productivity of passenger transport systems with a minimum amount of investment, the purpose of the study is formulated: improving the efficiency of public urban passenger transport through the implementation of measures to increase the capacity of the most critical sections of the road network. To develop measures that form the conditions for organizing the movement of passenger vehicles, a mathematical model of the capacity of a section of the street and road network has been developed, which allows to identify a combination of transport infrastructure parameters ensuring its maximum value. The developed model differs from the known analogues by taking into account the process of spontaneous formation of groups of passenger vehicles and the realization of the possibility of their synchronous interaction with the platforms of the stopping point. Based on the simulation results, the dependences of the capacity of a section of the street and road network with a dedicated lane for passenger vehicles on the parameters of traffic light regulation and the number of landing sites at the stop point were determined. The integrated application of the data obtained allows us to determine the balanced parameters of stopping points and traffic lights that ensure maximum throughput of the site under consideration. The developed mathematical model and the dependencies obtained with its help constitute the points of scientific novelty of the performed research. The developed theoretical provisions, the mathematical model formed on their basis and the obtained dependencies together can be considered as a tool for determining the optimal parameters of urban transport infrastructure, which is the practical significance of the results obtained. One of the promising directions for the development of the proposed approach is to expand the scope of its application by developing an add-on that ensures its implementation for the case of passenger vehicles moving in the general flow outside the allocated lane.

Key words: urban passenger transport, capacity, passenger transportation, transport infrastructure, road network, vehicles.

Cite as: Asfur, H. M. A., Goryaev, N. K., Rassokha, V. I. (2024) [Modeling the capacity of a section of the road network, taking into account the formation of groups of vehicles]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 74–88. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-6-74.


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