UDC: 334.025


N. A. Kamordzhanova
Saint-Petersburg State Economic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
e-mail: kamordzhanova@mail.ru

E. V. Satalkina
Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
e-mail: elena.satalkina@mail.ru

N. D. Fedorova
Expert Medical LLC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
e-mail: watson03042@gmail.com

Abstract. The relevance of the study is determined by modern economic conditions, in which strategic management accounting is a unique management tool that allows not only to meet the growing needs of company management, but also to form short-term and long-term management decisions that take into account both internal and constantly changing external factors of the economic environment. The objectives of the study are to identify the directions of organizing strategic management accounting, the possibilities of its application in the business activities of an economic entity, based on the professional judgment of a specialist in the field of accounting. The work used general scientific principles and research methods: induction and deduction, systems approach, observation, analysis and synthesis, classification, modeling. In the course of the work, the theoretical aspects of strategic management accounting in world and domestic practice were systematized. An analysis of the views of various authors and a study of the historical context allowed us to conclude that the emergence of ideas of strategic management accounting was the result of the complex impact of many internal and external environmental factors. Systematization of theoretical provisions and proposed modern methods of setting up strategic management accounting allowed us to identify two key aspects that contribute to the successful construction of the entire system of strategic accounting of an economic entity, these are: monitoring and analysis of the external and internal environment, and an integrated approach to implementation. As a result of the study, an algorithm for the construction and implementation of strategic management accounting was developed based on the professional judgment of a specialist. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of a classification of prerequisites for the formation of a strategic approach in the activities of economic entities; the formation of a terminological matrix of the concept of «strategic management accounting»; development of the author’s five-step algorithm for constructing and implementing a system of strategic management of an economic entity; highlighting the characteristic features and areas of application of professional judgment in strategic management accounting. The results obtained in the course of the study have theoretical and applied significance and can be used as a basis for the preparation and implementation of strategic management accounting in economic entities. The direction of further research is a set of issues related to the development and implementation of strategic management accounting and its individual elements in the business processes of an economic entity in various sectors of the economy.

Key words: strategic accounting, management accounting, accounting concept, professional judgment, modeling, business processes of an economic entity.

Cite as: Kamordzhanova, N. A., Satalkina, E. V., Fedorova, N. D. (2024) [Strategic management accounting organizing: professional judgment of an accountant]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 40–52. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-6-40.


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