UDC: 114
E. Yu. Pogorelskaia
Humanitarian University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
e-mail: schreibigus@mail.ru
L. S. Chernov
Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
e-mail: leon-chernov@yandex.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the phenomenon of scientific and technical space, which is relevant for the modern civilization, striving to «go too far». The work uses a structuralist methodology that allows us to identify semantic layers in a single, but multifaceted process of space exploration. The physical (objectivist) approach to the study of space is supported by the transcendental (gnoseological) idea of the conditions for comprehension of space, which forms a fairly coherent natural-technical picture in which man and the things of the world are in diverse and familiar connections. The work makes a metaphysical calculation of resources / modes that support the spatial-technical picture of the world and concludes: based on the presented conditions-foundations, it is impossible to explain the development of space. The main hypothesis is that space is tied not only to materiality in any of its variations, but also to the transcendental world. The idea of the transcendental version of space can be traced in the ancient teachings of Plato, Aristotle, who bring the divine and the ideal accompanying it to a separate area. The blindness of modern scientific and technical civilization manifests itself in fundamental materialism and the postulation of the split of the world into the area of the sensory and the supersensory. Moreover, the supersensory, the ideal is given the position of a «conflict of interpretations», «antinomies of reason», while the sensory, the practical has a reliable status of verifiability and is associated with the truth. If «time» in the tradition of the European mentality is rooted in the idea of eternity, then «space» rests on itself, is explained through itself. However, it is noticeable that the creative initiative of people to arrange the world, captures not only material environments, but also an ever-expanding virtual area, which indicates that humanity is spatially in a rugged terrain of sensory and fantasy environments. Space is increasingly dematerialized, thinning. Since the fact of scientific creativity is considered indisputable, the idea arises that the expansion of space spreads towards the intelligible spheres of being.
Key words: physical space, transcendental space, technical habitus, technical thing, technosphere, regime, scientific and technical creativity.
Cite as: Pogorelskaia, E. Yu., Chernov, L. S. (2024) [Space exploration: preliminary calculation of resources]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 150–159. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-6-150.
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