UDC: 101.1: 316 (130.2)
G. Sh. Pilavov
Luhansk Voroshilov State Agricultural University, Lugansk, Russia
e-mail: Pilav29@mail.ru
Abstract. Currently, the field of artificial intelligence is one of the most intensively developing areas of modern science. The subject of the article is an actual problem related to the intensive development of artificial intelligence. The purpose of the work is to identify possible problems in this matter and propose ways to resolve them. The work uses a sociosymmetric approach, according to which a similar problem is investigated, actualized in the space of chess. The methodological basis of the research is extrapolation, which allows applying the method of artificial intelligence in the socio-cultural space. The opinions of modern scientists and philosophers on this issue are analyzed. It is shown that the scenario of artificial intelligence getting out of control of mankind, which is so popular in the field of culture, is unlikely to pose a real danger to our civilization. The current problems related to the development of computer technologies in chess are considered. This approach is due to the fact that chess is largely a reflection of the actual socio-cultural issues. It was revealed that the appearance of chess programs that surpass the strength of people did not lead to any negative problems in the chess space. Thus, the thesis is confirmed that strong artificial intelligence in itself does not pose any real threat to humanity. At the same time, an appeal to chess topics shows that one of the most pressing problems in chess – related to the development of computer technology – is cheating – the use of chess programs to achieve victory dishonestly. The connection between cheating in chess and the possibility of using similar technologies on a global scale has been revealed, which is highly likely to lead to a civilizational crisis. As the researchers of this issue have noted, artificial intelligence can be used as a tool to establish an autocratic regime (Wang Jianguang), or become a means for radical socio-political processes (G. I. Kolesnikova). In conclusion, proposals are put forward on the most effective methods of combating the possible use of artificial intelligence to radically change the vector of development of our civilization. In our opinion, they should include the methodologies of transhumanism and the philosophy of technology, thus creating an interdisciplinary approach to the philosophy of artificial intelligence.
Key words: artificial intelligence, existential threats, chess, cheating.
Cite as: Pilavov, G. Sh. (2024) [Artificial intelligence, chess and the risks of modern civilization]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 132–138. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-6-132.
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