UDC: 621.436


M. F. Teterin
Scientific and Technical Center of PJSC KAMAZ, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia
e-mail: Maksim.Teterin@kamaz.ru

R. F. Kalimullin
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kazan (Volga region) Federal University», Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia
e-mail: rkalimullin@mail.ru

A. T. Kulakov
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kazan (Volga region) Federal University», Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia
e-mail: alttrak09@mail.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to solving an urgent scientific and practical problem of quantifying the actual state of diesel fuel quality in the Russian Federation and its impact on the operational reliability of automotive equipment.

The main purpose of the scientific research is to increase the efficiency of operation of trucks with high-tech diesels by fully providing them with high-quality fuel.

The solution to a particular problem in the framework of this article is to obtain a model of the effect of increased sulfur content in diesel fuel on the operational reliability of the fuel equipment of an automobile engine.

The article analyzes the evolution of KAMAZ 8–cylinder V–shaped automobile diesel engines from 1976 to the present, which showed the relationship between the technological perfection of the engine, its resource and environmental properties, the operating group of the engine oil used and its change period, the sulfur content in diesel fuel.

Based on data on monitoring the quality indicators of diesel fuel used during testing and operation of KAMAZ vehicles for the period from 2003 to 2023, it was found that the largest number of deviations was recorded in the indicator «sulfur content». It has also been established that the share of Euro–5 diesel fuel with a sulfur content of up to 10 ppm is at least 80%, starting in 2019 and up to the present. Nevertheless, low-quality fuel continues to be present in operation, which does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

Using the analysis of literary sources, the authors showed a significant effect of the sulfur content in fuel on the life of engine oil, the reliability of the engine, its mechanisms and systems, including fuel equipment.

Based on the analysis of long-term statistical data on diesel fuel quality indicators and defects in the fuel equipment of KAMAZ engines, a linear model of the effect of increased sulfur content (more than 350 ppm) on the reliability of fuel equipment during the warranty period of operation is built.

The scientific novelty of the results obtained lies in the fact that in operation patterns of changes in the proportion of diesel fuel with a high sulfur content (more than 350 ppm) and the proportion of defects in the fuel equipment of KAMAZ engines were revealed, which made it possible to establish a direct correlation between these indicators with specific parameters.

The theoretical value for the development of the scientific specialty «Operation of motor transport» lies in the fact that the revealed patterns contribute to the study of the influence of quality indicators of one of the automotive operational materials – diesel fuel, on the reliability of fuel equipment of automobile engines.

The direction of further scientific research is to improve the processes of quality control of diesel fuel, which will contribute to improving the operational reliability of fuel equipment for automotive engines.

Key words: diesel fuel, sulfur content, fuel samples, monitoring, quality indicators, surrogate fuel, defects, fuel equipment.

Cite as: Teterin, M. F., Kalimullin, R. F., Kulakov, A. T. (2024) [The effect of sulfur content in diesel fuel on the reliability of fuel equipment of an automobile engine during the warranty period of operation]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 109–121. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-6-109.


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