UDC: 629.3.083.4
R. S. Faskiev1,
A. N. Melnikov2,
E. G. Keyan3
Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
1e-mail: f_rif_s@mail.ru
2e-mail: mlnikov@rambler.ru
3e-mail: keyan@mail.ru
Abstract. One of the significant ways to reduce the destructive impact on the environment from the technological processes of restorative repair of car bodies is the transition to paints diluted with water. However, the direct use of existing paint drying chambers for the application and drying of waterborne paints can negatively affect the performance of the process and the quality of the coating. It has been established that during the drying of coatings from waterborne paints, the formation of stagnant ventilation zones is possible, which can lead to reverse condensation of water, followed by the formation of streaks.
The purpose of the study: to increase the efficiency of the process of painting automobile bodies with paints diluted with water, based on the control of the parameters of the air environment of the paint drying chambers.
Research methods: analysis of ventilation processes in existing paint-drying chambers and their compliance with the thermophysical and volatile properties of water vapor when painting automotive products.
In order to avoid the formation of stagnant zones of high humidity in the ceiling part of the paint and drying chambers, it is proposed to mount a system of guide plates, the purpose of which is to control the directions and speed of air flows in the painting and drying modes. To ensure acceptable technological and economic parameters of the process of painting with waterborne paints, depending on the humidity levels in the environment and in the working chamber of the paint and drying chambers, it is proposed to change the logic of the recirculation flap control. Dependencies linking the parameters of the movement of the executive bodies with the indicators of humidity, mode and direction of the flow of ventilated air are proposed.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the methodology for controlling the humidity level, direction and mode of air flows in the working chamber of the paint and drying chambers, which eliminates the appearance of stagnant zones when painting car bodies with waterborne paints.
The direction of further research is to substantiate the optimal level of air humidity in the working chamber, depending on the state of the ambient air and the productivity of the painting process.
Key words: car painting, paint and drying chamber, waterborne paints, control methods, air velocity, air humidity.
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