UDC: 334.7
V. A. Yakimova1,
D. A. Vinokurov2
Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia
1e-mail: vilena_yakimova@mail.ru
2e-mail: danila.vinokurov.19@mail.ru
Abstract.The article is devoted to the problem of strategic management of business systems in which the functions of an orchestrator are performed by an enterprise in the ICT sector. The purpose of the study is to identify types of strategies for organizing entrepreneurial ecosystems and describe their features in the context of the development of the digital economy. During the research process, a selection of 100 IT companies that were leaders in terms of revenue for 2021–2023 was studied. and their growth. Cluster analysis methods were used to test ecosystem criteria in relation to the ICT sector, typology methods and the construction of descriptive models.
Statistical analysis showed that despite the reduction in the number of enterprises, in modern conditions there has been a tendency to increase the share of enterprises in the ICT sector in the economy. During the study of a sample of IT companies – industry leaders, 5 clusters were formed, the most typical characteristics of which were used to identify distinctive features. It was found that 56% of the studied sample of IT enterprises become orchestrators for entrepreneurial ecosystems, which corresponds to clusters 1–4. As a result of the similarity analysis, it was determined that in practice the strategy of acceleration, partnership, integration and customer-oriented strategy is used. For each type of orchestrator strategy, models have been generated and key features have been identified. A customer-centric orchestrator strategy is the most preferable for rapid growth and scale-up.
The results obtained have important practical significance for organizing ecosystems with the leading role of the IT company orchestrator and choosing the most effective strategy. In further research, it is necessary to identify specific management actions and tools that are applicable for each type. In continuation, it is necessary to assess the productivity of ecosystems, taking into account the types of strategies and highlighting their competitive advantages.
Key words: оrchestrator, digital platform, digital ecosystem, entrepreneurial ecosystem, strategy.
Acknowledgements. This article was prepared by the research through the grant of the Russian Science Foundation № 23-28-00044 «Conceptual model of a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem in a digital environment», https://rscf.ru/ project/23-28-00044/.
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