UDC: 338.1
L. V. Lapidus1,
A. A. Kravchenko2
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
1e-mail: infodilemma@yandex.ru
2e-mail: kravchenko.anastasia35@gmail.com
Abstract. Digital transformation allows you to achieve a competitive advantage in the market while reducing costs and expenses, but at the same time improving quality, which is a cornerstone aspect in the biotechnology industry. The pharmaceutical market is steadily growing, this is especially evident after the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to the emergence of a large number of drugs produced using digital twins. Doppelgangers are beginning to play an increasingly important role in biotechnological production, which has a positive effect on increasing company revenue, reducing costs, and improving production safety.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of the biotechnology market, assess the prospects for the introduction of digital twins into production cycles, as well as identify key areas and trends in the biotechnology industry.
The article examines the cases of already successfully functioning digital counterparts, provides an analysis of the current state of the market and a forecast for its growth in the coming years. Special attention is paid to the new Pharma 4.0 concept and the effects that are designed to completely transform the industry with the help of digital technologies, the locomotive of which is the digital twin.
During the research, the authors relied on the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists from Germany, China, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, the USA, and South Korea. The information base was compiled by reports from big pharma companies, vendors of digital twin solutions, consulting companies: McKinsey, PwC, Pfizer, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Siemens, Aveva, Philips, AstraZeneca, statistical data Market.US , Yahoo.Finance, ISPE.
Key words: digital twin, digitalization, process modeling, Industry 4.0., Pharma 4.0., biotechnological production, process modeling, digital modeling, pharmaceutical production.
Cite as: Lapidus, L. V., Kravchenko, A. A. (2024) [The introduction of digital twins into the production cycles of biotech companies in the context of the Pharma 4.0 concept]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 5, pp. 11–25. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-5-11.
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