E.V. Paley 
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
The article focuses on examining the idea of globality in the context of cognitive foundations of education. The study is based on the premise that globality, regarded as one of the main imperatives in the educational process, shapes the specific attitude to knowledge. Special attention is paid to the analysis of globality considered as a possible pathway to the integrity of knowledge and connectivity of a content of education. It is stressed that these aims are of an urgent need for the development of higher (university) education in the contemporary world. The article also presents an overview of some renowned publications in the field of philosophy of university education in a context of the idea of globality; at the same time, it stresses the presence of appropriating requirements in the state educational standards. It is argued that the idea of globality as an integrity has a possibility to be developed as a practical cognitive attitude in the context of the contemporary information space and fragmented scientific picture of the world.
Keywords: cognitive foundations of education; value foundations of education; the idea of globality; educational milieu; the integrity of knowledge; the idea of the universality of cognition.
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