L.S. Leontieva
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of regional and municipal management, Lomonosov Moscow state University
V.P. Dudyashova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics and management, Kostroma state University 
M.A. Snurnitsyna
Head of the personnel department, International Academy of business and new technologies
The relevance of the problem is the key role of human capital in the competitiveness of the region. The purpose of the article is to justify the Self - learning region (SLR) as an innovative management strategy.  We have set and solved the following tasks: to justify the composition of indicators to assess the compliance of the territory of the SLR; to identify the territory corresponding to the strategy of the SLR, as well as areas with the potential for the adoption of the strategy of the SLR; to propose measures to develop the strategy of the SLR in practice.  A classification of indicators has been proposed. Indicators of innovative development were grouped to assess the main and auxiliary indicators. The benchmarking method was taken by the leading research method.  The lower threshold values for the indicators were determined by expert analysis of 85 subjects of the Russian Federation.
Innovative subjects of the Russian Federation were identified, the spheres corresponding to the innovation strategy were determined for each region. Activities to develop the SLR strategy in the region have been proposed.
The materials of the article can be used to assess the compliance of the regions with the SLR strategy, to assess the areas of the regions of the SLR strategy, to identify regions with potential, and lagging regions. The results can be used to adjust the development strategy at macro, meso and micro levels.
Keywords: self-learning region, innovative technologies, human capital, innovative strategy of territory development, indicators of innovative development.
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