E.E Golovchanskaya 
Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of innovative management, Belarusian State University,
E.I. Strelchenya
Postgraduate student, Department of Innovative Management, Belarusian State University
The relevance of the topic is due to a decline in a number of economic indicators of the intellectual property market of the Republic of Belarus, as well as strategic guidelines for its institutional development. The purpose of this work is to propose marketing ways of institutionalizing its development based on theoretical and practical studies of the intellectual property market of the Republic of Belarus. The methods of deduction, induction, analysis, and synthesis were used. Results. During the research, the main indicators of the market of intellectual property market of the Republic of Belarus were analyzed. A significant gap between the volumes of demand and supply has been revealed. Demand in 2017 is less than 10 percent of the supply. It was proposed, within the framework of market institutionalization, to increase the degree of involvement of the applied tools of the "marketing" institute through the development of institutional marketing and the creation of a marketing center within the structure of the National Center for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus.
Keywords: intellectual property, marketing mechanism, institutional marketing
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