A.S. Voronov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of economics of innovative development, Head of the Center for Innovative Design, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University
The present study relevance is related to the necessity of finding effective tools for administrating sustainable regional development, which can be achieved due to the rational clustering of economic activity. The aim of this study is to identify those organizational features of the different types of regional clusters, which may be adapted to the problem-solving process of the specific industries and regions sustainable innovative development. To achieve the proposed aim, the following methods are used: content analysis of the Russian Federation regions’ legislation, comparative analysis, systematization, statistical and graphical methods. The study results include the introduction of the concept of categories of regional economic activity of varying innovativeness and demand for local and national markets, graphic design of the «core»-type clusters organization principle applied to the Russian regions practice, identification of the specifics of «neighboring» clusters as a form of inter-regional cooperation aimed at the formation of a unified economic chain. The proposed approaches to determination of the specifics of regional clusters as a factor of sustainable territory development may be used for both formalization of existing cluster prototypes and designing specialized distributed clusters bound up with the specifics of the territories socio-economic development.
Keywords: regional economy, region, sustainable development, regional clusters.
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