V.S. Vasiltsov
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics and Management department, Cherepovets State University
E.N. Levashov 
Senior lecturer of Economics and Management department, Cherepovets State University
N.V. Lysova
Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor of Economics and Management department, Cherepovets State University
The actuality of the researched problem is caused by great number factors influencing development of the regional labor market owing to what there is a need of model making of regional labor market development which takes into account several factors, allows to identify level and type of regional labor market development. The aim of article is multiple-factor model making of regional labor market development including several interrelated subsystems. The main research methods are analysis of scientific literature, synthesis and generalization of information, mathematical methods used for multiple-factor model making. Authors analyze different approaches to modeling of regional labor market development; cognitive approach, fuzzy mathematical model, agent-oriented system model "education market-labor market", structural, cobweb, dynamic, equilibrium models and other researches on this subject matter is considered. By results of these approaches analysis, authors suggest own matrix-vector multiple-factor model of regional labor market development, on basis which is identified depressive collapsing and innovative breakthrough type of regional labor market development.
Keywords: regional labor market, structural model, equilibrium model, cobweb model, matrix-vector multiple-factor model, depressive collapsing type of development, innovative breakthrough type of development.
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