M.S. Oborin
Professor of the Department of economic analysis and statistics of the Perm Institute (branch) Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov;
Professor of the Department of world and regional economy, the economic theory Perm State National Research University;
Professor of the Department of management, Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov;
Professor of the Department of management and technologies in tourism and service, Sochi State University
The article deals with the concept and content of intellectual potential as a complex scientific and socio-economic category, substantiates its role in the education system and the development of society and the state. The role of higher education in the formation of intellectual potential in the process of training future specialists and the development of universal competencies and skills of critical, creative thinking is substantiated. The elements, levels and results of intellectual activity are characterized. The content of management of intellectual potential, the main functional directions is studied.
The purpose of the article is to study the intellectual potential as a scientific category, methods, tools and technologies aimed at its effective management and updating in various fields of economic activity.
To achieve this goal, the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the nature, formation and management of intellectual potential, analyzed statistics on the cost of research and development by activity, including in industries, identified existing problems and proposed measures to address them.
Main methods: dialectical method of cognition of processes in the field of education, method of system analysis, formal-logical method.
As a result of the study, the proposals to improve the state and regional innovation policy in the management of intellectual potential are formulated, since the implementation of the results of research activities in the industry depends on the commercial and social effect at the level of industries, regions and the state as a whole. Application of foresight technology as a perspective direction of increase of efficiency of management of the intellectual potential allowing to provide interrelation of scientific and practical fields of activity is proved. 
Conclusions obtained in the course of the study: in modern conditions, the socio-economic development of the state is determined by the dynamics of scientific and technological progress, the level of professionalism in various fields of life, so special attention should be paid to the management of intellectual potential on a systematic basis, combining higher education and practice. 
Keywords: intellectual potential, research activity, education, industry, scientific product, human capital, investment attractiveness.
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