N.V. Goncharov
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of philosophy of science and sociology, Orenburg State University
The article investigates the economic and economic basis of human existence as a productive capacity, implemented through targeted material-transforming activities. The problems of philosophical understanding of economic relations as one of the most important aspects of social life in the context of ancient philosophical thought are considered. Describes the basic principles оἰκονομικός formulated by Xenophon, representing the first attempts at theorizing of economic and business activities. The contribution of Plato to the theory of division of labor activity is analyzed. Special importance is attached to the political economic concept developed by Aristotle, which reveals the essence of χρηματιστική, which is part of the oκκονομικός. The importance of philosophical and economic ideas of Aristotle is emphasized, in which the explication of the most important economic category is presented – the cost and commodity essence of the thing, which consists in the dualism of use and exchange value. The attempts made in the article to study the ontology of the economy in the long term can contribute to the achievement of results aimed at improving the economic culture of human existence.
Keywords: human being, economy, management, cost, use value, goods.
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