A.V. Churashkina
Senior Lecturer, Department of economics and management, Ulyanovsk State Technical University
The article deals with the assessment of the strategic development of business structures as a synthesis of their activity and efficiency. The indicators of transaction, administrative costs and profit are taken as the basis of quantitative evaluation of entrepreneurial and managerial activity. On the basis of the index method, indicators characterizing the types of activity and the levels of effectiveness of managerial and entrepreneurial activity are proposed. The author's analytical matrix of development of enterprise structures establishing qualitative and quantitative interrelations of enterprise (administrative) activity and efficiency of business (administrative) activity are offered. The offered matrices allow to solve a complex of the scientific and practical problems connected with: research of life cycle of development of enterprise structures; evolution of efficiency of business and administrative activity; processes of replacement of enterprise and administrative activity; transformations of organizational development; strategic development of enterprise structures as synthetic process of change of their activity and efficiency. This allows us to characterize the proposed matrices as an additional tool for justifying strategic management decisions related to the development of entrepreneurial structures.
Keywords: entrepreneurial structures, entrepreneurial activity, administrative activity, efficiency of business activity, efficiency of administrative activity, interrelation, assessment, strategic development.
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