N.A. Lebedeva
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Dean of the dean's office of the faculty of law and faculty of economics and management, International Institute of Economics and Law
P.S. Svezhincev
Master's degree student, training direction 38.04.02 Management, Volgograd State Technical University
The article deals with topical issues of energy saving and energy efficiency in the construction industry, as one of the most energy-intensive industries in the country. The methods of research are logical and comparative analysis, modeling. The purpose of the study is development of an optimal approach to the formation of energy saving programs in the construction company. The results of scientific research: authors presented a characterization of approaches to the formation of the energy saving program in the construction company, an adaptive approach for continuous activities to improve energy saving in the construction company was developed, which allows to take into account and correct the strengths and weaknesses of process, system and design approaches to integrate energy efficiency program of a particular company in the energy saving program of a higher level. The results can be used by various organizations to improve energy efficiency.
Keywords: energy saving program, energy efficiency improvement; construction enterprise.
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