N.P. Krylova 
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of economics and management department, Cherepovets State University
E.N. Levashov 
Senior lecturer at the Department of economics and management, Cherepovets State University
The relevance of the problem is explained by the growth of the shadow labor market in many regions of Russia, which has a significant impact on the political, economic, social situation in the region. The purpose of the article is to consider informal employment in the regional labor market, to identify the main trends, to identify the causes that contribute to the development of informal employment in the region's economy. The main method to study this problem is the analysis of statistical data on the regions of Russia, which allows to identify the relationship between the level of informal employment in the region and unemployment rates, gross regional product, average monthly wage, investment in fixed assets and the number of small businesses. The authors analyze the statistics of informal employment in the Russian Federation and in the context of individual regions, establish the relationship between the indicators characterizing the level of development of the region and the value of informal employment, the analysis of informal employment in Vologda region in comparison with the indicators for the country and the regions of the North-West Federal district.  The study revealed that there is a direct relationship between the level of informal employment and unemployment in the region, as well as it can be concluded that there is a trend of inverse relationship between the level of informal employment and the value of the gross regional product per capital, the amount of investment in fixed capital per capital, the number of small enterprises per 100 thousand inhabitants, the average monthly wage. Regarding the level of informal employment in Vologda region, it can be noted that it is slightly lower than this indicator in the whole country, but it exceeds in the North-Western Federal district.
Keywords: shadow labor market, informal employment, gross regional product, unemployment rate, average monthly wage, investments, small entrepreneurship, region.
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