E.V. Maksimova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of trade union movement, humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines of the Orenburg branch of the Academy of labor and social relations
V.A. Goncharova
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
The article studies the role of normativity in scientific cognition through analysis of the laws of science development. Based on the views of a number of philosophers and methodologists of science, the authors examine in detail the main features of science, revealing the features of norms in them. Characterizing the scientific normativity, they note that scientific knowledge tends to have a goal, an object and a subject of the research, methodological tools, value orientations, technical equipment. No less important are the requirements for the presentation of the material, the validity of knowledge, its system organization, etc. The authors believe that these basic rules of scientific knowledge allow forming of the appropriate samples. The article suggests that the normativity of scientific knowledge is the main feature that distinguishes this area of knowledge from others, that the scientific norm is a system-forming principle not only organizing and regulating the process of cognition, but also determining its boundaries. The study of the essential characteristics of norms makes it possible to assert that, despite the presence of rigid paradigmatic installations in their structure, they are the key to the development of science, the expansion of its boundaries.
Keywords: norm, boundaries, signs of science, the foundations of science, development, scientific cognition.
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